Кафедра КІТС



Syllabuses of selective educational components (disciplines) by levels of training of applicants are in the relevant section of the university website: https://nure.ua/zagalnij-katalog-vibirkovih-navchalnih-disciplin/merezha-kafedralnih-katalogiv-vibirkovih-navchalnih-disciplin, а також:


disciplines of the educational program “Computer Engineering” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in the specialty 123 – Computer Engineering:

Mandatory components of general and special (professional) trainingSyllabus_Computer_Schematics
Selective components of professional and practical trainingSyllabus Fundamentals of computational intelligence

Syllabus_ Parallel and Distributed Programming

Syllabus Fundamentals of Сomputer Systems Virtualization

Syllabus Containerization technology with Docker

Syllabus_Integrated development environments for microcontroller systems

Syllabus Introduction to DevOps

Technology for creating software products in C#



of academic disciplines under the educational program “Computer Intelligent Technologies” of the second (master’s) level of higher education in the specialty 123 – Computer Engineering:

Disciplines of general and special

(professional) training

syllabus_Basics of the scientific research 21

syllabus_Сorporate computer networks 21

syllabus_Neural computing structures

Syllabus_Intelligent computer systems

sуllabus_Intelligent embedded computer systems

sуllabus_Design of intelligent computer systems on the Raspberry Pi platform

syllabus_Deep Learning in Machine Vision Technologies

Disciplines of professional and practical training in the educational program
“Computer Intelligent Technologies”

syllabus_Data mining

sуllabus_Fundamentals of evolutionary computing


Disciplines of professional and practical training in the educational program
“Computer Intelligent Technologies”
syllabus_Intelligent Decision Support Systems

syllabus_Computational methods and models based on

syllabus_Multiagent systems

sуllabus_Methods and means of information compression

sillabus_Image recognition 21