Кафедра КІТС


About us

The Department of Computer Intelligent Technologies and Systems (KITS) trains specialists in the field of intelligent technologies and systems: masters in 123 – Computer Engineering, in the educational program “Computer Intelligent Technologies” (KIT) – 16 budget places!

KIT educational program is accredited!

Про нас

The decision was adopted at the meeting on December 15, 2020, Minutes No. 22 (41), Accreditation Case No. 1036 / АС-20 Accreditation Decision

Information on self-assessment can be found here.

Qualification received by the graduate of the department: Master, Computer Engineering, Computer Intelligent Technologies

Almost all applicants for the educational program KIT enrollment 2019 (students of KITm-19-1) received a scholarship and had scientific publications through fruitful work with teachers of the department. In just six months of study, more than 40 publications have been published, including in the Scopus scientometric database.

The main direction of training of masters in the educational program KIT – algorithmic, software and hardware of computer intelligent systems. It is planned to teach disciplines in the following areas: analysis of big data using artificial neural networks; intelligent video analytics; basics of deep learning (for computer vision, image recognition, etc .; methods and tools of artificial intelligence; intelligent computer systems on the platform Raspberry Pi and programming for it in Python; basics of accelerated computing in CUDA (for C / C ++, Python ), Architecture of neurocontrollers and neuroprocessors, computational methods and models based on artificial immune systems and others.

Constantly emerging new technologies have already changed our lives and the world around us. And not only smart homes and embedded systems, but also smart City, virtual reality, facial recognition technologies, generating competing networks, genetic predictions of the use of AI for the development of machine vision – are not fiction, but real opportunities for a revolution in medicine , science, production and robotics.

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Gender Equality Plan

For the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals https://nure.ua/konferencii-ta-workshops/seminar-cili-stalogo-rozvitku-zavdannja-hnure-shhodo-ih-realizacii, namely to ensure gender equality, the empowerment of all women and girls, as well as the promotion of progressive, comprehensive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all and the reduction of inequality within and between countries (Goals 5, 8 and 10), on the initiative of the staff of the СITS department (associate professor Oleg Ilyunin) was proposed plan Faculty gender equality plan for 2023/24

This Plan clarifies the procedure of the Faculty of Radio Electronics Institute of Kharkiv University of Radio Electronics (hereinafter: the Faculty) during the implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities of Women and Men” dated 08.09. 2005, the Law of Ukraine “On Principles of Prevention and Counteraction of Discrimination in Ukraine” dated 06.09. 2012, Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 12. 2022 No. 752; On the approval of the State Strategy for ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men for the period up to 2030 and the approval of the operational plan for its implementation for 2022-2024; and Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 20.12. 2022 No. 1163-r “On the approval of the Strategy for the implementation of gender equality in the field of education until 2030 and the approval of the operational plan of activities for 2022-2024 in the daily work of the faculty with the aim of further developing the culture of gender equality in all areas of the faculty’s activities.
The Committee for the Implementation and Supervision of the Implementation of the Faculty’s Plan for Gender Equality (hereinafter: the Committee) is established by the Dean’s Decision immediately after the implementation of this Plan.

During the general meeting of employees of the faculty of the Kharkiv University of Radio Electronics (online) on September 1, 2023, the gender equality plan of the faculty for 2023/24 (.pdf) was adopted. The plan clarifies the work procedure during the implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities of Women and Men” dated September 8, 2005, the Law of Ukraine “On Principles of Prevention and Counteraction of Discrimination in Ukraine” dated September 6. 2012, Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 12. 2022 No. 752 ;On the approval of the State Strategy for ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men for the period up to 2030 and the approval of the operational plan for its implementation for 2022-2024; and Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 20.12. 2022 No. 1163-r “On the approval of the Strategy for the implementation of gender equality in the field of education until 2030 and the approval of the operational plan of activities for 2022-2024 in the daily work of the faculty with the aim of further developing the culture of gender equality in all areas of the faculty’s activities.

By analyzing the current situation at the faculty, several areas of work were identified that will help the faculty achieve goals related to the real implementation of gender equality and improve the working culture of the faculty:

1. Inclusion of equal opportunities in all directions of the faculty’s work.

2. Promotion of a culture of gender equality among faculty employees.

3. Guarantee of equal opportunities in access to training and development of professional skills.

4. Expanding the rights and opportunities of women scientists for more active participation in management and leadership positions.

5. Raising awareness of gender issues such as gender bias and social issues related to attitudes towards gender roles and stereotypes.

6. Work on working time management, which contributes to the harmonization of personal, family and work life for everyone, especially for parents.

7. Countering workplace sexual harassment and sexism by informing and providing support and advice to victims of sexual harassment.

In order to fulfill the above, it is planned that during 2023 and 2024, the following events will be held with all employees of the faculty, including the rectorate, all research and administrative personnel, such as:

I. Online seminars:

a) An online seminar (within the framework of creating a gender-sensitive educational space) on topics related to promotion and attracting attention to women scientists.
b) Online seminar on gender awareness and equality.
c) Online seminar on assertive behavior, the inadmissibility of sexual and other forms of harassment, as well as the rights and opportunities of victims of harassment.

II. Access to information – information packages are available on the faculty website:

a) Information on the rights of victims of sexual harassment.
b) Information on rights to leave in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.

III. Preparation of documents by the commission:

a) Faculty Policy and Protocol on Sexual Harassment.

IV. Tasks of the Committee:
a) Continuous monitoring and analysis of the internal situation regarding gender equality (policies and practices).
b) Continuous monitoring of all aspects related to job placement, employment and promotion in order to promote gender equality practices and prevent discrimination.

c) Constant monitoring of the inclusion of potential female scientists

smiths to team projects.

Robot plan

Activity Purpose Responsible person / group Target group Time/period of execution
I. Online seminars
a) Online seminars, topics,
related to career growth. 2, 4, 5 Committee / General Affairs Department All employees Once every three years

b) Online seminar on gender awareness and equality

2, 5 Committee / Department of General Affairs All Staff Every three years

c) Online seminar on assertive behavior, the inadmissibility of sexual and other forms of harassment, as well as the rights and opportunities of victims of harassment

7 Committee / Department of General Affairs All employees Once every three years

II. Access to information


a) Information about the rights and risks of victims of sexual harassment

7 Committee / Department of General Affairs All employees Once every three years

b) Information on rights related to leave in connection with pregnancy and childbirth

6 Committee / General Affairs Department All employees

October 2023, continuously updating in accordance with changes in the laws of Ukraine

III. Documents

a) Sexual Harassment Policy and Protocol

5, 7

Committee, Administration, Faculty Secretary, Department of General Affairs

All employees October 2023

IV. Tasks of the Committee


a) Monitoring and analysis of the internal situation in the field of gender integration and equality between men and women (policies and practices)




All employees, administration




b) Monitoring all aspects related to job advertisements, recruitment and promotion




All employees, administration




c) Monitoring the inclusion of both men and women, employees and students of the university in the project teams




All employees, administration



The committee will meet once a year to fulfill its obligations: monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the plan and preparing the report of the administration of the faculty.

The Gender Equality Plan was published on the Faculty’s website.

Kharkiv, September 1, 2023.

The plan can be adjusted in accordance with the measures of the general program of KhNURE gender equality: <https://nure.ua/konferencii-ta-workshops/seminar-cili-stalogo-rozvitku-zavdannja-hnure-shhodo-ih-realizacii/genderna-rivnist> .

Performer: associate professor СІTS Ilyunin O.O.